tethered to life
One’s existence determined not by the measure of one’s dreams or abilities, but by the length of an oxygen hose.


at home

There is something about falling in love that turns the banal into extrodinary. Each time I go out to explicitly make photos I fall in love with the world.  Each new element is exciting, each new vision reminds me that I am alive.  To have those same feelings at home, on a day-to-day basis, is truely a gift beyond compare.

bear ridge speedway
Bent metal and banged up knucles.  Dirt and oil and the smell of exhaust. The deafaning rumble of engines that care not for efficency or longevity, only performance.  Rising above the noise and chaos is the announcer calling cars to the line over the PA system.  Then there are the drivers... they are old, seasoned, steely eyed and they are fresh faced, lanky and eager.  Running through the heart of this place is the family - the brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers, uncles and cousins that come out in support every weekend.  They keep the cars running, constantly tweeking and fixing trying to find that little bit of mechanical magic that might offer an advantage.  They keep the drivers running through their support and their simple presence

ky > adk
Road trip from Lexington, KY home to the Adirondacks of NY.  November 8-12, 2020.  I was influenced by the recent election and used the current state of affairs to guide my view.

breeder’s cup 2020
I was hired by a television production company as part of their tech crew.  We built the camera and video infrastructure to broadcast the 2020 Breeders Cup for NBC.  It was a little different than years past as the only spectators allowed were the owners and their guests.  These images capture the people I worked with, the place itstelf and moments from the event.

connecticut office park
I can’t pass up the opportunity to explore an office park.  Their placement, their purpose and the way they try to incorporate something natural to balance the inherent artiface of their being.

With the northeast deep in the depths of a cold and grey winter, I was lucky enough to get a gig in Arizona.  I extended my stay and spent a day wandering the streets of Tempe.  These images represent an exploration of light, color and form, the simple act of seeing and recording.  It felt good to be in the sunshine with skin exposed, to exprience and capture the beauty of winter light, but someplace new.

copyright  © 2024 bear cieri